Relevant Faith

First Sunday/ First Principles 

“Faith is not believing in spite of evidence; it is obeying in spite of consequence.”
—  G.A. Studdert Kennedy

What Do You Believe?

Faith is a funny thing. The word simply means “belief.” There are many things we believe in that really don’t make any difference in the way we live. For example, I believe there are two mountains taller than Mt. Everest on planet earth. (Mauna Kea in Hawaii rises 30,610 ft. from the floor of the ocean; Chimborazo in Equador is 20,000 feet higher than Everest if you measure from the Earth’s core and not sea level. The earth bulges at the equator).

On the other hand, some beliefs matter. You would never cross the Gold Star Bridge if you didn’t believe the bridge could hold the weight of your car!

There are four kinds of faith, we need to be concerned about:

  1. “Peter Pan” faith is just wishful thinking.
  2. “Monkey Bar” faith isn’t really faith at all.
  3. “Submariner’s” faith believes the boat will re-surface.
  4. “Personal Faith,” such as the statement, “I believe in Jan,” is a statement of trust.

What is “Faith”?

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen, (-Hebrews 11:1)

“Assurance” literally means “-reality.” For example, Hebrews 1:3 says -Jesus,

is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature,

In other words, faith gives substance to hope. Therefore Christian faith is not a “Peter Pan” faith, but what is faith based on?

Facts — Faith — Feelings

Christianity is based on truth. Jesus said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free,” (John 8:32).

What are some of those truths?

  1. “The starry heavens above”
  2. “The moral law within”
  3. The Empty Tomb

Faith Busters

(Matthew 13:1 – 8).

Flighty Faith, Unfortunately, some people’s faith starts with great promise but quickly falls away.

Then there are Distracted Disciples who allow other things to crowd in on their belief.

I’ve also known Fragile Faith. It can’t go the distance.

Irrelevant Faith

Unfortunately, far too many people believe the Christian faith is, at best, irrelevant.

Only 3 out of 10 Americans are “practicing Christians” (people who believe their faith is very important to them and they attend at least services at least once a month).

3 out of 4 Americans might be considered “Legacy Christians.”

“For many millions of people who might be considered “legacy Christians,” however, Christianity is background noise that can safely be ignored. … They used to be active or grew up as Christian, but now the tenets and practices of faith are just part of the landscape, not guiding lights for their priorities and lifestyle.”


“Christian leaders are viewed like the smiling greeter at Walmart: they might point you in the right direction, but after that, you’re on your own.”

“You don’t have to be religious to be good.”

Christianity is irrelevant to the “Real Stuff” of Life and Culture.

Relevant Faith

People don’t understand, Christianity is about life — life now and life to come! We believe Christianity is relevant because:

Faith provides a moral compass.

Faith provides hope!

Faith leads to love.

Our faith is based on truth.

“And the truth shall
set you free.”

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