Spiritually Fit

I am a great one for starting exercise programs. My basement is full of equipment: a treadmill and a Total Gym. Recently I read the fine print and discovered it is not enough to own these machines, to really benefit I actually have to use them! Imagine that. 

I gathered that equipment with the best of intentions. I needed to lose some weight. I needed to strengthen my heart, lower my blood pressure, lower my cholesterol, fight my diabetes and even look good at the beach. The real challenge was (is) getting up in the morning, putting on my sweats and getting to work. 

The same is true of our spiritual life. We all recognize the value of having a relationship with God and His family. We know the benefits and blessings of being a Christian. What we struggle with are motivation (what is driving me?) and maintenance (what keeps me going?). 

The fear of going to hell can be a powerful motivator, but the Apostle John wrote, “Perfect love casts out fear.” It is not the fear of hell that should motivate us, but the joy of being counted as God’s friend.

James, the brother of Jesus says, “‘Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness’ — and he was called a friend of God,” (James 2:23). Are you God’s friend? 

If so, it’s time to dust off the spiritual exercise equipment:

  • Pray conversationally
  • Listen to God through -Bible Study and meditation
  • Simplicity
  • Solitude
  • Service
  • Confession
  • Celebration in Worship

It’s time to dust off the spiritual exercise equipment and get moving!

Walk, Run, Fly!

A powerful motivational preacher was addressing a congregation. This was a notoriously frugal church. It was packed with penny pinchers and tightwads. They weren’t going anywhere, and he was doing his best to get them motivated. He looked around the crowd and exclaimed, “The church is like the lame man Jesus healed. It’s got to get up and walk!”

The congregation agreed shouting, “That’s right! Let it walk!”

The preacher pulled out his handkerchief, mopped his brow and shouted, “This church, like -Elijah on Mt. Carmel has got to run!”

The people were with him and shouted in unison, “That’s right! Let it run preacher!”

Spurred by their enthusiasm, he lifted both hands high overhead and cried, “This church has got to mount up on eagle’s wings and FLY!”

Amens were mixed with chants of “Let it fly! Let it fly!” But when the preacher exclaimed, “If it flies, it takes money!” the congregation settled down and mumbled, “Let it walk!”

Bad Moms of the Bible

Every year on Mother’s Day, ministers typically choose one of the great moms of the Bible to talk about. This year I considered looking at the “Bad Moms of the Bible.” There are actually quite a few to choose from: Athaliah, the wife of King Jehoram, the daughter of King Ahab and the only queen of Judah, was certainly bad (2 Kings 11). After the death of her son, she killed all the members of the royal family and took the throne, but I guess we can’t count her since technically, she was the worst grandmother of all time. If only she had remembered the names of all of her grandchildren, she would have realized she missed one (who was crowned king a few years later, 2 Kings 11).

My nomination for the worst mom in the Bible is Herodias, Herod Antipas’ wife. She was responsible for the death of John the Baptist after her daughter’s famous dance (Mark 14:8). I don’t think we give Herodias credit though, for taking Salome to all those dance lessons and recitals. Why she may have even worn her fingers to the bone making those cute little costumes, although I doubt it. Apparently there wasn’t much to them.

On the other hand, I had a great mom and there isn’t anything I wouldn’t give to just have fifteen more minutes with her to tell her so. She died suddenly during a “routine procedure.” I took her to the hospital for the test and we told stories, laughed together and shared a hug I will always treasure. Then they wheeled her into the operating room.

Mom’s death was sad, but it wasn’t a tragedy. Dad died a few years before and I always had the feeling she couldn’t bear to be apart from him. In fact, when we buried dad, mom had her name written on the grave marker with her birthday and they left a place to fill in the date of her passing. It gives me great joy to know they are together again, and it fills me with great anticipation to look forward to the day when I will see them both once more.

Happy Mother’s Day!